School Health Program

School Health Check-up Image

Empowering Schools

At Healthfort, we believe that a healthy child is a confident learner. Introducing C.H.A.M.P.S., our innovative and digitally enabled school health program tailored to prioritize the preventive well-being of students. C.H.A.M.P.S. stands for Comprehensive Health And Motivation Program for Schools, a holistic approach designed to empower parents, doctors, and schools to focus on the proactive health of our young champions.

Comprehensive Health and Motivation Program for Schools




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Regular Physical Examination

Entails a detailed health check-up conducted by experienced doctors as per a well-defined protocol. A detailed School Health Check-up Report is provided to the parents.

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All-in-One App

Keep all your child’s health records like prescriptions, lab test results, vitals and more, in one place through the Healthfort app. Access them anywhere, anytime, with ease.

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Tracking of Health Parameters

Key vital health parameters like height, weight, BP etc. can be tracked through interactive charts and dashboards with easy to understand data for the school and parents.

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Electronic Personal Health Record

Creation and maintenance of a comprehensive electronic health record for every student. Reports are automatically updated in the ePHR so that progress can be monitored year after year. Easily accessed through the Healthfort mobile app.

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Sick Room Management

Access to critical health information of students like any existing medical conditions,allergies or injuries when they visit the sickroom. Real-time notifications to parents with all of the relevant details of their child’s visit to the school infirmary.

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Health Analytics for Schools

We provide detailed analytics to the school authorities to help them keep track of their students’ health from time to time. This helps in identifying the health trends and patterns of the students and take necessary actions to improve their health.